Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lean Administration: More risk control, efficiency and customer focus -

The banks face significant competitive pressure both to adapt their
products and consulting services to the needs of the market as well
with an increase in their cost. Here to develop the right strategy and
effective measures is required in order to get customer focus in line
with reasonable cost.

Resolve complexity
The starting point is always an intense analysis phase, which
examines the processes in detail exactly. This gives a detailed
insight into the results often complex administrative processes, most
of which are closely intertwined. In the business processes at banks
such as the lending usually many functions are integrated. To ensure a
meaningful, efficient target process to design, is the first actual
situation from different angles by lights across departments. Based on
this detailed knowledge can then be found approaches for effective
improvement measures.

Breakdown products and quantities
Clarity about the services or products to be optimized in each set is
an important precondition for the further course of action. The job
structure analysis provides an overview of the products and the
quantity structure of the various services, such as the granting of
loans, securities trading, portfolio management, new account openings,
etc., which are performed on a large scale in the bank.

If the data on the nature of the services and quantities, broken down
before, one can determine the needed capacity and perform the tasks so
that a uniform load is guaranteed. This may, within departments, but
for example in the segmentation of the amounts of care, individual or
corporate clients to play a role. Even with conceptual thinking about
the offer at the various distribution channels of a bank of online
banking to the branch office close to home system can - combined with
a yield analysis of the respective services - to help the results of
the job structure analysis.

Processes and procedures to record
The next step is the representation of the processes is the focus.
With the so-called value stream mapping the processes using
standardized symbols recorded in detail and clearly displayed. The
analysis shows which processes from the viewpoint of power customer or
customers are really adding value, where the bottlenecks are and what
kind of quality defects exist. Thus, for gaining an overview of how
the processes are actually productive and gain visibility on the
structure of processes: What departments are involved, such as? Who
does what in the process? Where questions arise? How long is the total
processing time of the process? Because of this detail of the value
stream analysis is the ultimate tool on the path to Lean
Administration. It sets out key information and approaches to
stabilize the process and improve the quality of service provision.

In addition to the visual image with the value stream analysis and a
time recording and analysis is connected to segregate out how long a
process and stick where the process breaks and time wasters. In
combination with the information on services and sets the process
times give important information for a reasonable distribution of
capacity, but also for the calculation of benefits.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

CONET reports revenue growth of approximately 31 percent

IT, New Media & Software
Press release from: CONET Technologies AG
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Hennef, 8 September 2011. A consolidated annual turnover of 44.6 million euros, has today presented the Annual Report of the Hennef CONET Group. This allowed the IT group of companies, which in addition to the holding company CONET Technologies AG in Hennef CONET, the Ludwigsburg CONET Business Consultants, the Frankfurt CONET Services and the Munich Accelsis Technologies spare parts suppliers belong to their revenue, versus 34 million in 2010 to around 31 percent increase. For the 31 Fiscal year ended March 2011 to 2.1 million euros CONET reported income before taxes and net income of 1.3 million €.

A significant contribution to this substantial growth provided the recording of the Ludwigsburg + white böhle GmbH CONET Group in the autumn of last year. Since 1 April 2011 renamed the company, which focuses on SAP consulting and process management, under the name CONET Business Consultants Ltd. in their pool after the transfer of appropriate resources from the other subsidiaries of the Group now CONET the skills of 130 experienced SAP experts.
Click here to find out more!

The business of the remaining individual companies, most notably the Hennef CONET, developed very positively: "After a dry spell CONET benefited significantly from the resurgent economy," explains Rüdiger Zeyen, co-founder and CEO of CONET Technologies AG. Particularly in the IT services market, a significantly increased willingness to invest is to perceive the care to continue in full order books and high utilization. Zeyen also sees here the biggest challenge for the business in the coming months: "If we manage to maintain this level and to strengthen our team with plenty of new website hosting specialists, we stick together with the sales of CONET Business Consultants, which then complete twelve months included in the Consolidated financial statements, 60 million euros in sales in the current financial year should be achievable. "

This press release was published on openPR.

CONET Technologies AG
Simon Vieth, spokesman
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 19, 53773 Hennef
Tel: +49 2242 939-246
Fax: +49 2242 939-333
Internet: www,
Mobile Web:

About CONET Group
The CONET Group is the reliable companion of their customers in an economically successful IT future. CONET Technologies AG is the holding company for the medium-sized enterprise group and coordinates the central tasks of the Group in the areas of personnel, communications, procurement, IT infrastructure and finance. The operations of the group is located in the main subsidiaries: Hennef CONET offers its customers since 1987 and currently has about 200 employees in the fields of software engineering solutions, Communications and IT Infrastructure. CONET Business Consultants GmbH focuses on SAP consulting and process lean management system, combining the expertise of approximately 130 SAP consultants. The Munich Accelsis Technologies strengthens CONET expertise particularly in the fields of portal, Web and SOA solutions. The Frankfurt CONET is on consulting, installation and operation of IT solutions that are tailored to the needs of financial service providers, specialized. With approximately 400 employees at eleven locations in Germany CONET expected for the current fiscal year revenues of around EUR 60 million.